How to install the Securly SSL certificate on Mac OSX ?

You would need to install the Securly SSL certificate on your device to ensure that Securly is able to filter all HTTPS sites browsed there effectively.

Automated installation process

You can automate the installation process via MDM by downloading the ‘Securly Certificate Installer.pkg’ file at the end of this article. After downloading the executable, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the executable you just downloaded and double click it.
  2. You will be presented with an installation wizard.
  3. Continue through the installation steps by clicking "Continue" through each "Introduction, Destination Select, Installation Type, Installation, Summary".
  4. Click "Install" and enter your System Administrator password at the "Installation" stage.
  5. If the installation is successful, you'll be presented with a "The installation was successful" message with the executable window.
  6. To verify that both the 2020 and 2034 SSL Certificates have been installed successfully, you can navigate to "Keychain Access" and look within the "System Keychain" Folder for both Securly SSL Certificates. 

Manual installation process

To manually install the Securly SSL certificate:

  1. Download the Securly certificate CRT file.
    • Later this Fall, Securly's current SSL Certificate will expire. We have provisioned a brand new SSL Certificate available below which expires in 2034. While to get up and running today you only need to have the original SSL Certificate Installed, we recommend that you install both SSL Certificates at the same time to ensure when the original expires, you are at no loss of service.
        Expires 2020 Cert Expires 2034 Cert
      Mac OS X securly_ca_2020.crt securly_ca_2034.crt


  2. Navigate to Finder > Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access
  3. Select ‘System’ in the left-hand column.
  4. Open ‘File > Import Items’ and import the ‘securly_ca_2020.crt’ files into the ‘System’ keychain.
  5. The certificate should now show with a red X. That means it is untrusted. To provide trust, double-click the * certificate. Under "Trust", change the setting at the top (When using this certificate) to "Always Trust". This is pictured in the gif below.
  6. Repeat for securly_ca_2034.crt

Alternatively, you can automate the installation process via MDM by downloading the ‘OSX SSL Install’ file at the end of this article. The file contains a .app that would automate the process. There is also a .pkg file that can be used directly on a Mac.
