Leadership Training Extravaganza
Professional Business Associates
Thank you for your interest in the 2018 Leadership Training Extravaganza to be held in May 2018 in Dallas, Texas. We are currently in the process of getting ready for this training event. Before you decide if this is the event for you, please take a moment to look over our Program Objectives and read the quotes that were given to us by some recent Leadership Training Extravaganza program graduates.
If you have any questions about this upcoming event, feel free to contact us at
- Professional Business Associates
5454 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, OH 43231-4021
- Telephone: (614) 555-8888
- Fax: (614) 555-9999
- Email: info@LTE.org
Program Objectives:
- Increase individual leadership competencies and how to relate them to real-life situations. Focus on organizational leadership and developing leadership in others.
- Learn how to enhance personal leadership skills, pay attention, respond appropriately, model effective communication, encourage cooperation and collaboration.
- Investigate leadership values including self-awareness, ethical congruence and commitment to completion.
- Participate in experiential hands-on activities in group, partner, and individual situations.
- Become more reflective and learn from your own experiences as well as other people's experiences.
- Learn how to nurture more leadership around you so that others can start making things happen.
- "If I were speaking to someone who was thinking about going to the Leadership Training Extravaganza, I would tell them GO FOR IT! It';s an experience that I will never forget"; Katelyn Taylor, Massachusetts
- "Attending the Leadership Training Extravaganza was the best thing for me to do! I feel like I will be a better leader because of the skills I learned attending this conference."; Cedric Rodriguez, Texas